- create or add to your Development Goals using your personality strengths
- drive your success at work
- manage yourself and work to your strengths
- use self-insight to navigate change and manage stress
What is Personality?
What is personality?
Personality and career success
When it comes to success at work, there are certain aspects of personality that matter more than others - these are the aspects to focus on when it comes to our development.
"What are the key ingredients of talent? Although there are millions of jobs, people who are smarter, more driven, curious and likeable will generally do better in any job."
- Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
Red Bull Wingfinder
Goto first page Goto first page6 different strengths are assessed here.
6 different strengths are assessed here.
8 different strengths are assessed here.
Details on all 25 strengths
A detailed description of each strength can be found via this link. You'll receive this same level of detail, only personalized for you, on your Wingfinder feedback report too.
DRIVE measures your level of motivation, grit and ambition. An important part of job success is having the self-discipline to persist, that you strive to achieve your goals and that you have the confidence to deal with setbacks.
6 different strengths are assessed here.
THINKING looks at your ability to reason abstractly and how you solve complex problems using spatial and numerical reasoning. How you take new information on-board and are how you’re able to solve problems with seemingly disconnected pieces of information is key to success in our complex world.
CREATIVITY measures how original and innovative or how logical analytical you are. This is key to success as it shows your willingness to learn, adapt, create alternatives and seek out novel information and challenging experiences.
6 different strengths are assessed here.
CONNECTIONS measures how well you manage relationships and how well you manage yourself . Success is achieved through your intra-personal skills, (the ability to know, understand and manage your own emotions) and interpersonal skills, (how you relate and the way you communicate and interact with others).
8 different strengths are assessed here.
TOP RED BULL ATHLETESsee what they have to say about Wingfinder
What you'll gain from Wingfinder
- the elements of your personality that make you unique
- where you may be overusing your personality strengths to your disadvantage
- how to use your strengths to increase your performance
- what holds you back from performing at your best
- how to manage weaknesses so they don't hinder your performance
Insights into Action
Now that you've completed WingfinderWingfinder Insights into Action
Now that you've completed Wingfinder, we'll step through how to do this together:
STEP 1: prepare your personal SWOT analysis
STEP 2: leverage your Wingfinder 'Strengths Deep Dive'
STEP 3: use your Wingfinder 'Personal Coaching Plan'
STEP 4: create Development Goals
STEP 5: determine how you'll achieve your Developmet Goals
With the above steps, you'll boost your performance and stand out from the crowd. Scroll down and we'll get going!
What do you like to do?
What motivates you?
What have others told you that you are good at?
What have you succeeded at in the past?
What does not come naturally to you?
What tasks do you dislike?
What areas do others say you should develop?
How could you grow your role and responsibilities?
What projects would challenge you?
Who could you connect with who has experience in...?
What capabilities are in high demand in your department that play to your strengths?
Which capabilities will be most important in the future?
What will prevent you from trying new things?
Do you have the resources and support you need to develop?
Do you know where to start?
Can you dedicate the time?
What comes naturally to you?
What do you like to do?
What motivates you?
What have others told you that you are good at?
What have you succeeded at in the past?
What do you need to develop to ‘average’ in order to perform in you role?
What does not come naturally to you?
What tasks do you dislike?
What areas do others say you should develop?
How can you leverage your strengths to do things you’re not doing now?
How could you grow your role and responsibilities?
What projects would challenge you?
Who could you connect with who has experience in...?
What capabilities are in high demand in your department that play to your strengths?
Which capabilities will be most important in the future?
What feedback have you received that you disagree with?
What will prevent you from trying new things?
Do you have the resources and support you need to develop?
Do you know where to start?
Can you dedicate the time?
SWOT worksheet
download or print this worksheet and use to build your own SWOT using your Wingfinder feedback report.
The closer you are to either end of the scale (the extremes) the more likely it is you'll behave in this even across a variety of situations; it's like a reflex or working with your dominant hand. Now, this doesn't mean that you can't or won't behave differently, it just might take some intention and deliberate practice.
When you’re in the middle of the scale you can flex towards either behaviour without much effort either way.
These are your personality preferences, or 'strongest strengths’ and the areas that you're most likely to start and continue developing yourself.
Your personality is going to determine what comes easy to you - your strengths. The idea is to focus on your strengths, what you are good at, and become even better in these areas. Ask yourself: What helps you perform at your best? (Strengths to leverage)
We need to be aware of when we're overusing our strengths to the point of weakness. Ask yourself: what limits your performance when you ‘overdue’ this strength? (Strengths to manage)
We need to be aware of the strengths we do not have. Ask yourself: what limits your performance as you don’t have this strength? (Shortcomings to develop)
Consider the interactions between your different strengths and how they play out for you at work. You're not defined by one stand-alone strength but how they come together.
Each Wingfinder strength is shown with a scale. Where you are on this scale indicates a probability of behaviour.
The closer you are to either end of the scale (the extremes) the more likely it is you'll behave in this even across a variety of situations; it's like a reflex or working with your dominant hand. Now, this doesn't mean that you can't or won't behave differently, it just might take some intention and deliberate practice.
When you’re in the middle of the scale you can flex towards either behaviour without much effort either way.
KEEP coaching tips likely are part of your 'S'
STOP coaching tips may belong with your 'W' or your 'T'
START coaching tips probably fit best in 'O'
Each of these coaching tips are in relation to one of your top strengths. You'll probably find this tailor-made feedback fits right into different areas of your SWOT.
KEEP coaching tips likely are part of your 'S'
STOP coaching tips may belong with your 'W' or your 'T'
START coaching tips probably fit best in 'O'
These 4 coaching tips help by generating ideas for actions that you can take to further develop and build on your top strengths. You might find these fit into the 'Opportunities' section of your SWOT
These are your personality preferences or 'strongest strengths' and the areas that you're most likely to start and continue developing. Your Personal Coaching Plan includes individualized feedback and a keep/ stop/ start method to coach you on each of your 4 top strengths.
Wingfinder insights into action: our motivation 4. Creating Development Goals So now that you've finished your SWOT you're probably left with tons of great insight, ideas and goals. But it's a lot right? Development takes time and effort so let's prioritize.
Wingfinder insights into action: our motivation 4. Creating Development Goals So now that you've finished your SWOT you're probably left with tons of great insight, ideas and goals. But it's a lot right? Development takes time and effort so let's prioritize.
"what excites me the most?"
"what am I trying to achieve professionally?"
Our motivation and how we each go about achieving Development Goals is quite individual and determined by our personality. Insight into our motivation and own personal approach can be found in our Wingfinder report Strengths Deep Dive and everywhere our DRIVE strengths are covered.
To help with the second question you can always think about our company goals and your own Performance Goals and Responsibilities.
Those with Patient as a top Wingfinder strength will benefit by setting long-term goals while those with Achiever benefit from setting milestones to accomplish along the way. If Modest is your top strength you'll want to challenge yourself by setting bigger, loftier Development Goals whereas if Confident is a strength, the accomplishment of your Development Goals matters most so make sure they're achievable. Those with Relaxed as a top strength will benefit from talking about your goals with others to keep yourself accountable and those with Disciplined will benefit from adjusting their Development Goals as they progress.
Wingfinder insights into action4. Creating Development Goals
ACTION: articulate your Development Goal in one line and describe what success looks like in relation to your goal. You can use this worksheet if you like.
Turn 1-2 initiatives (the most exciting ones) from your SWOT into a personal Development Goal. Articulate your goal in a 'headline' so it's no more than one sentence.
Write a line or two to define success in relation to achieving your Development Goal. This helps ensure you know what success looks like when you get there.
Wingfinder insights into action5. ACHIEVING DEVELOPMENT GOALS
"What do I need to do in order to achieve my development goal?"
The best way to learn is to focus 70% of your time practicing the skill you want to develop, 20% getting feedback or learning from others and 10% reading or attending a workshop/course.
ACTION: note a few ideas on how you will develop yourself and achieve your development goal using 70/20/10 in the most effective way.
• Do activities that improve strengths
• Expand current role
• Set ‘stretch’ goals • Work on special projects
• Take on projects
• Coaching from manager
• Mentoring
• Use Amplify Check-ins
• Browse through Training Management
• Reading
• Online learning
• Self-study
• Conferences
• Apply knowledge and try
new skills in real life
• Do activities that improve
• Expand current role
• Set ‘stretch’ goals
• Work on special projects
• Take on projects
• Ask for feedback from
manager, peers
• Coaching from manager
• Mentoring
• Use Amplify Check-ins
• Training programs and
• Browse through
Training Management
• Reading
• Online learning
• Self-study
• Conferences
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHERFinalize your Development Goals and 70/20/10
You can also share your goals with your manager for ideas and input. It can be helpful to have a sparring partner and someone to celebrate progress towards your Development Goals.
We hope this module, the information and activities throughout, help you drive your development and success at work.
That's a wrap but there are some additional Wingfinder resources for you if you keep scrolling